Highest Paying Jobs in Lebanon

After the explosion of Beirut’s port, massive specialties became on the top of the requirement list of the job market. Lebanon is known for its economic crisis. But, at the same time, it is among the country exporting workforce and experts. By the upcoming days, the recruitment process in Lebanon will witness a change in the future, according to a new survey conducted by YouGov. About 9 out of 10 respondents stated that the process will depend entirely on the Internet. , which means faster, speeder and with more reliance on artificial intelligence. This news will also improve the salaries of the required specialists. let’s find out about the highest paid jobs in Lebanon:

Employment in Lebanon.

salaries in Lebanon

Jobs in Lebanon can be classified under many sectors and types. The most common classification is having work as a private or public sector. Recruitment in the public sector is a bit complicated  in Lebanon. It is very selective and not rewarding as some private jobs have more salaries and bigger career prospects. For ambitious people in Lebanon, Here is the list of the best paying jobs. If you are a student, it is better to consider this article to find out the best recruiting sector. For further information, sign up to Fratres. This website includes all the detailed information about your dream job and the best recruiting fields after the pandemic. Take a look at; Lebanon: Unemployment rate

High Paying Jobs in Lebanon:

Salaries in Lebanon vary depending on the field, city, and degree. In the public sector, the average salary in Lebanon ranges between 577,000 LBP (381$) and 10, 420,000 LBP (781$) . On the other hand, the cost of living in Lebanon meets the wages and earnings of workers. The labor market is improving by creating vacancies for new graduates, Syrian refugees, and women. There is an optimistic study showing that employment in Lebanon will soon prosper and look forward to a world full of opportunities.

1- Software developer

This job involves designing software, often at the request of a client. The work begins on the basis of specifications presented by a service provider. The project is first interpreted and coded. The created software is also tested. Being a software developer means being able to design applications for the web, mobile devices or tablets. This job can be used on different platforms. Another aspect of the job of a software developer is maintenance. Software and its implementation in the field at customers require monitoring, updates, but also training in the use of the software. This job provides a considerable salary in Lebanon reaching 800$ per month.

2- Sales representative

Lebanon is still an interesting destination for shopping. Sales representatives are professionals related to directing the sales. A sales representative is a frequent traveler. He is often required to move, both in his country or abroad to do the following missions:

• Plan visits and select customers

• Achieve the objectives set by his managers

• Take orders and follow up on them

• Provide advice to its customers

• Perform reports

• Participate in meetings

• Prospect to businesses and consumers

• Inform its customers of the after-sales service

The average salary of a sales representative is 820$ without commissions and tips.

3- Project manager

The job of project manager is one of the managerial positions that groups several functions, depending on the area of ??expertise: project manager in IT, communication or even web project manager. A project manager is the person responsible for bringing a project into existence. Whatever  the field of execution, the main mission of a project manager is to lead a project. Salaries in Lebanon for a project manager position, depends on the field and the nature of the project. In all cases, they will earn up to 860$ per month.

4- Plastic Surgeon:

plastic sergeons

Lebanon is known for having an advanced medical revolution in plastic surgeries. It is the destination for celebrities to look young and beautiful. The beauty industry in Lebanon is very active and very rewarding. Surgeons in this field earn per procedure and their salaries vary depending on the surgery they have performed. The minimum wage of a plastic surgeon in Lebanon is for filler injection ranging between 500 & 900$ depending on the spot and the patient's case.

5. Beautician/ Makeup Artist

A beautician is a specialist in skin & hair care. beauticians are also qualified to apply for working abroad, especially in Gulf countries. Lebanese beauticians operate in beauty salons, hotels in the department & well being and spa They can also operate as digital influencers informing followers of the best beauty procedures, trends, and prices.The salary of a beautician depends on the level of experience and field of activity, and rages between 400$ to 850$.


Teaching in Lebanon has various aspects. For example, teaching in private schools ( especially international ones) is better paid than public schools. Teachers in the American / French school in Lebanon earn depending on the level taught and qualification. Foreign teachers such as English/ French native speakers earn more than Lebanese teachers. The average salary of a teacher in international schools is up to 520$. Working in Beirut as Foreigners

7- Financial Analyst

best advanced careers

A financial analyst studies the value of companies. Its vocation is to establish a diagnosis on the evolution of a company in order to advise investor clients or stock market operators. In Lebanon, financial Analysts are among the best earning professions. This job takes into account financial, economic and social indicators in order to establish a precise analysis of the sustainability and profitability of firms. The average salary of a financial analyst is 885$. Is Lebanon expensive? A 10-day Lebanon travel budget breakdown, let’s find out!

These were the top 7 best paying jobs in Lebanon. Despite the harsh economic crisis in Lebanon, some fields are recruiting among others. The best investments are always oriented towards medical specialties, technical, financial, and commercial.


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